Review of the companies
that pay you to surf the web!
These sites offer a great opportunity to build easily a great referral base, as they're all fairly new.
So signup, and start building your referral base now!!!
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Adsenger Rating:
Use Adsenger™ so you can view Adsenger™ advertisements and read Instant Ad Messages. USA/Canada only but will be expanding , anyone can sign up now. You will be paid between $0.25-$10/ad you view. 5 levels of referrals get paid 20% , 10% , 10% , 10% , 10%. 18 years or older.
Earn cool cash while using your computer as usual. We will not limit you to surfing the web; you may use any application on your computer as long as you are connected to the Internet.
With CashFiesta you can earn cash while using your computer. Get paid for displaying our stylish FiestaBar™ at the bottom of your screen. The only requirement is that you are connected to the Internet. CashFiesta offers unlimited earning potential to all of our members and our services are available worldwide.
GetPaid4 Rating:
GetPaid4, a subsidiary of advertising giant TeknoSurf, are certain to be one of the big get-paid players of the future. Evolving rapidly and early, GetPaid4 now offer a strong service backed by stable software. GetPaid4 also have a required click-thru rate (RCTR) of 0.5 to 5 percent. With a generous seventy-five hours of paid time online, and an independent referral system running seven levels deep, GetPaid4 are a 'must join' for both the casual and serious paid surfer.
Radiofreeca$h Rating:
A revolutionary program which pays members to listen to music while online. You will be paid $.20 USD per hour for using their listening bar, which will be released on the April 1st Launch date. They reward you for referrals with free CD's depending on the number of people you sponsor as well as for their usage of the listening bar, up to 4 levels deep. Pays $.08 USD/hour for direct referral usage and $.04 USD/hour for indirect usage. Use of the listening bar is payable for up to 100 hours per month.
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